i've long been a watcher of signs from the universe. when i was small, i watched the rustling leaves and told myself, 'if those leaves move in the next five seconds, the answer to the question is yes.' sometimes i had to sit in the yard for an hour until i got the sign i wanted, but eventually there it was!
i've also long been a creature of extreme habit. i can't get out of bed unless the clock's last number is a 5 or 0. i always brush my teeth while waiting for the shower to run hot, and i eat my food symmetrically.
when i lived in glasgow, i walked down to the same turkish cafe every morning for a latte and an egg roll with tattie scone. i brought with me a newspaper, the independent.
in victoria, i walk around the corner to lady marmalade, order two eggs soft poached, potatoes, toast and fresh tomatoes, coffee and a cranberry juice, and read the globe and mail.
breakfast and a paper. breakfast and a paper. that sweet hour before the day gets up and goes, just me and a simple early meal and a crisp, thick newspaper.
it keeps me sane, half the ritual and half the act of actually doing. of sitting in a warm, steamy diner, eating some fresh good food, reading some good stuff, listening to the clink and clamour of the kitchen beyond, the whir of the bartender making espressos, mimosas, fruit smoothies and caesers.
and now, joy of joys, i find that lady marmalade has just opened up a toronto location! (898 queen st east 647.351.7645).
it might not be my everyday place, but i'm taking it's existence as a signal that all is right with the universe. salut.
and the ratch will be pleased with this new addition to TO when she visits.