
a world gone mad

human beings are strange creatures. there i said it.

but still i am constantly surprised at people's lack of tolerance, the ability to dehumanize others until they are nothing but stripped-down labels and expectations, and all the ways that humans secretly hate each other because they have been conditioned to do so. and that there is not a moment for everyone when they can see with their own eyes, hearts, and brains, that most of what THEY have been telling you your entire life is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT PURE GRADE BULLSHITE.

i am lucky enough to live in a small universe made up of people whose eyes/hearts/brains are attuned to view the constructs of popular culture for what they are: templates designed by and for a very white, very rich, very conservative, classist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, and so on, demographic.

so it should be no surprise that so many of the humans i love best on the planet are people that by no means fit the mold of what we have been told we are supposed to be: we are not the demographic that TV wants to reveal.

i live in a beautifully crafted universe where not everyone looks the same, where not everyone eats the same way, where people like to have sex in different ways and with different types of people and with creativity and kink and power and equality, where to be a man doesn't only mean one thing and to be a woman doesn't only mean one thing, and to be in between or to go back and forth between two notions is just fine. is normal. is great.

where to be fat doesn't necessarily mean to be lazy or indulgent. where feminism isn't a dirty word and where people, by and large, try their best to be inclusive and full of empathy and interested in the rich, vast tapestry and potential that can abound in the human experience.

but. so.

there is a human i know whom i love beyond possible articulation. they are intelligent, sensitive, funny, generous, full of life, full of energy and dynamism and charm, creative, powerful, strong, wise, and SO ON. point blank: an awesome, awesome human whom i constantly feel lucky to know and who affirms to me some of the basest feelings of friendship, kinship, and relationship.

they have a blog called DON'T MIND IF I DO on tumblr. have a wee look here:


it has to do with not having to apologize for being fat, for liking food, for ENJOYING food, for all of the above, and creating a space that represents their particular brand of being.

the ethos of the blog, along with the fabulous photography and glorious food and all-around life-affirming, positive feeling about the whole thing, resonates with me particularly, because fatness, body image, self-image, self-loathing, shitty relationships with food, and so on, are all things that have been a part of my life for as long as i remember having thoughts. in fact i recently found my first journal, given to me in 1991, on my ninth birthday.

the journal looks like this:

in it i wrote an entry about not wanting to go to a pool party someone was having because i didn't want anyone to see me in a bathing suit. there are entries in my little juvenile scrawl of just lists of things i could do to look more like the way i was apparently supposed to look:

wake up and do push-ups and sit-ups in the morning before school,
say a prayer before bed for my nose to shrink, my teeth to straighten out, my newly-mammoth breasts to shrink, my hair to darken to a nice rustic brown, to curl where once it was straight.

that was the same year i shaved my legs for the first time, to my mother's great disappointment. but i was the only girl in my class with breasts and leg and armpit hair, and the difference between us in pubescent progress was astronomical.

in pictures with my classmates that year i look more like a teacher's assistant than another fifth grader. towering over everyone else, blazingly red hair unruly and flowing down past my ass, massive breasts, hips and ass like the almost-woman that i was soon to be. i was bigger than everyone, different than everyone, the only red-head in the class, and so on.

anyway, the point of all this is to say: THIS SHIT WAS ENTRENCHED IN MY BRAIN so young, it breaks my heart. the feeling that i was just
hung around my neck like an iron cape. too chubby, too different, crooked-toothed, redheaded, and later, the realization that i was also
to add to the list of ways that i wasn't right.

i have a feminist, awesome, all-powerful, critically thinking, infinitely accepting mother, and my father was a man of incredible perspective, love, and respect and these two people, for all the ways that they created a beautiful, safe, loving universe for my brother and i, for their monitoring of the media we ingested and staunchly limiting the amount of television we watched and so on, and encouraging us to think intelligently and with our own minds about everything,

still couldn't stop my little spongy brain from listening to what pop culture aggressively wanted me to believe was real and unreal, was ok and not ok, was right and wrong. and it has been a deep chord of neuroses for me ever since, one that even now, with my mostly grown-up, educated, critical brain and heart, i still spend every day trying to eradicate in myself.

and today, in a weird and distant turn of fate, someone i vaguely knew, in a different time and place in my life, before the people who i love most on the planet knew what there truly was to know about me, when i was still more or less convinced that to reveal my true self to them would mean certain disaster. that no one would love me if they knew that i had secret eating disorders and some pretty serious depression and anxiety and last but not least that i was secretly queer,

this person whom i knew vaguely in a different life re-posted the below entry from DON'T MIND IF I DO on her own blog with this comment:

"like any self-respecting fashion-magazine-reading straight-girl i feel a little bit bulimic after seeing this picture of a deep-fried mars bar…"


this statement says/implies a veritable miasma of things that i feel are just intrinsically wrong. i keep trying to make lists of my myriad deconstructions of its implications, but what it comes down to basically is just a lot of stupid, ignorant assumptions, prejudices and perpetuations of exactly the kind of mentality that has told me i am somehow wrong for who i am for my entire life.

and i suppose really the whole point of this rant is that it still intrinsically hurts a part of me deep down inside when people say things like the above. when human beings say stupid, narrow, insulting things. it makes me want to take some ropes and tie them up in an uncomfortable chair, and face them towards a black board on which is written their own little golden nugget of shitty observation, and then myself and a team of other interested and qualified parties would deconstruct their statement, stripping it of reason and tact, and revealing to the writer of the words, the thinker of the thoughts, just how wrong in every way they really are.

but i've been writing this, ranting about this, for more than an hour now, and as i sit in the slowly rising pile of dust left from churning all this stuff up, the emotion i'm left with is no longer vengeance or rage or shock or horror. instead, it's just plain old gratitude.

that shitty comment about that wondrous blog is like an embodiment of exactly what i have spent 28 years figuring out is wrong for me. in one poorly composed swoop her statement showed me how lucky i am to know so many humans on this planet who don't share those shitty sentiments. who 'get it', so to speak.

she doesn't get it. i imagine the writer of that shitty comment sitting down at her desk to draft a universal telegram, a communication to be dispatched to the very farthest reaches of space, time and existence, as the summation of her experience as a human being. i feel one hundred percent confident that it would read:



welcome back

well it's been a while. this is the way it goes with me. i have journals from when i was twelve years old with enormous gaps in time and history and each entry begins with a lament on my sporadic writing. some things never change.

drove out to the airport tonight to pick up a lovely friend. they were just back from the femme conference in oakland, and we had a very lively ride home on the empty freeways and overpasses, full of stories and anecdotes and secrets and escandalos. i wished i'd had a cigarette to smoke while i waited but i am doing my best not to smoke so much anymore. i have whittled it down to about 20 cigarettes a week, which still seems like a lot when i write the number 20, but seems like nothing when i consider what i was smoking, about 50. i lost an entire packet of cigarettes the other day after only smoking one, and rather than taking it as a sign to stop forever, i bought a new pack ten minutes after realizing i lost the old one. so i suppose the battle is not entirely won.

the wee kitty babies had their reproductive parts snipped out last week and i have been watching closely for any changes in them personally and there are none. I don't know exactly what sort of change i was expecting. they both have strange incisions and bald patches now, and are safe from deformed brother-sister babies. we don't have any need for that kind of action up in here.

a couple of months ago my mother shipped all eight boxes of my worldly possessions to me from bc to toronto and in those boxes, among other things, were my beloved vcr and collection of vhs movies. i love the vhs, and not because it's hip to like retro technology, but because it's just so fucking durable. i'm much better suited to cellphones like zach morris's on saved by the bell, vhs tapes--boxed up in hard plastic and incredibly hard to ruin, and boom boxes with big knobs and buttons than the tiny, complicated, infinitely delicate technologies of today. i break things, i lose things, i drop things. a lot.

also i worked a thrift store for two years that sold vhs tapes for 3 dollars and i got a 50 percent discount. so there you have it.

and yesterday i watched, for probably the twenty-fifth time, ferris beuller's day off. it's one of those movies i can remember the first time i watched, and quotes from it often make their way into my every day conversation, gems such as:

'bueller... bueller... bueller...'
'you want a gummy bear? they've been in my pocket so they're real warm and soft.'

and so on.

but the scene that tops it all off for me is the parade in the city, when ferris gets on the german float and sings twist and shout, and the german floozies on the float are dancing, and the soul brothers and sisters do their routine on the steps, and the crowd all harmonizes the chorus in a great, uplifting, sweeping crescendo. i got fucking goosebumps! sometimes john hughes really knew what he was doing.



drumming with a paintbrush: always a good/bad sign.

i've got a friend who's a drummer. she's not professional, but she's very rhythmic.

i'm full of red wine and energy drinks and beer and diet cola and cak (sic) and various potato bi-products and the like. in short, wasted. what're you gonna do, judge me?!


it dawns on me tonight, on the birthday of one of my nearest and dearests, that i am infinitely lucky. i have friends who tease me and know me very well. friends who call me on my shit and applaud my ridiculousness. it's a good life, all told.

the lover sleeps in the next room. the night is wild.

as usual, our street is full of riff-raff and malcontent. i call it the intersection of screaming women, where we live, mostly affectionately. there tends to be much unrest.

i'm writing a story about sadness and grief and depression and self-destruction and love and lust and all the rest. and so i'm thinking a lot about all those things.

and then i spend an evening with some peeps that truly redeem every cynicism i have about the human race. i have known them all since i was basically a child. i have grown up in front of them and shed some baby fat and gained some adult baggage and through all the worst periods of my evolution they have stuck there; hilarious, intelligent, brazen, dynamic; i love them like i love my mother and my brother.

and my father, who is dead.

this post didn't start out being about death but on this night i feel i must address a certain terrible happening in my neck of the woods. this terrible happening is the awful event of willful suicide in a human being.

in the last year i have been connected, however removedly, from no less than three cases of suicide. one of my nearest and dearests, one of my favorite souls on this planet, lost a mother to a case of suicide last summer. all of a sudden, there she was with all that reckoning, and here she is now, 10 months later, still reckoning.

there is a friend on the west coast who lost a nearest and dearest (not one of my own) to an overdose of opiates and alcohol. the girl who died was bi-polar by nature and troubled at heart, and now she's dead.

and tonight, a friend i've known for 10 years and counting, was here in the wake of the suicide of one of her childhood besties.

and i don't know. i'm sorry. i don't want to be a downer. but fuck it, sometimes things are a fucking goddamned downer.

there is great sadness around. it creeps up on the faces of our nearest and dearest's and the best we can do is be there to witness it. Most of the people in my living room tonight bore witness to my father's diagnosis with the Big C and the following four years of his slow and drawn-out, painful death.

and so it goes.

five people left my apartment tonight about whom i can say the following, honestly: know me, accept me, love me. '

it's pretty good, no?

this from people who've seen me at the depths of despair. when my every moment was filled with wondering if that would be the day he would die; when every phonecall was a possible deathtoll.

and on the day it happened, i watched the movie NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE with 3 of the souls here tonight. and halfway through the screening my phone rang and it was my mother telling me the nurses at the hospices were saying he (my dad) could go at any time. in the lobby of the cinema i laughed gregariously into the phone. the nurses had been saying that for weeks and his death just never came. i went back in to watch the movie.

afterwards, at sunset, one of the besties drove me westward from the city toward the hospice in the suburbs in her family's red pick-up truck. the sun was golden and calm and we listened to music and smoked cigarettes with the windows wide open.

at the hospice everyone was there. my aunt and uncle--my father's siblings--my cousins and my mother and my brother. my father was calmer than usual, his breathing steadied. we all sat around and spoke in whispers and watched his heaving chest. at 11pm my mother and brother and cousins and i all decided to depart for the night. his brother and sister would stay for the evening shift with him. everyone left so we could say goodbye. he was lucid for the first time in days and days. i went to him and pressed my face against his clammy cheek. he gripped my hand and called my name. he hadn't recognized me, or anyone, in some time. 'i love you,' he said. 'i love you, sweetie pie,' and we both cried. i held him for a long time.

my brother drove my mother home in one car and i drove the other. i blared music from the speakers and smoked cigarettes and sped along the country roads, racing for home.

my brother went out to meet a friend at a pub. i went upstairs to ready for bed. not fifteen minutes passed when the telephone rang and i sat on the edge of the bed, poised and waiting. in another moment, the intercom buzzed and i depressed the speaker. 'you're not going to believe this,' my mother said.

and he was dead.

we drove together back to the hospice at midnight. i searched for music to play but none was appropriate. the moon was full and ripe over the road and we both were mostly silent. there was nothing to say. he was dead.

together my mother and i observed his body. he looked unfathomably small and delicate on the neat white bed. we pulled the sheet back and stared at his naked body. his face was peaceful for the first time in months and months and months. we touched his cooling skin; held our faces against his; said our goodbyes and that was that.

and that was that.

and so, now, in this month of april, in the year two thousand and ten of the christian calendar, after spending a night amongst the people who have seen me to the edges of darkest (in)sanity and drawn me back again. who were there after i saw things i never wanted to see. who held me on nights when his morphine terrors had been particularly bad or my mother's grief was too much for me to bear. these are the folk who poured my whiskey's and rolled my joints on the darkest nights and days.

but so it goes.

i'm very happy now.

but even in my very grateful acknowledgement that the days have brightened and i am


fine again,

i feel compelled to pay a respect to the friends i know that have had people close to them die this year.

it's never going to be easy, and it's never going to be ok, but even so,


it gets easier with time.


you should drink your coffee here:

this is the bellevue. it sits, appropriately, at the corner of bellevue and nassau streets in kensington market. apparently many other business have held reign at this location in the past, and apparently when these three guys leased it for their own purposes, it was little more than a flat white box.

now inside it's warm, cozy, made of wood; there are baked goods, there are hot sandwiches, breakfast; there is fresh warm pie with cream; there are french pressed batches of what they affectionately call 'cowboy coffee', for its dark, thick, strength and potency. there are also any number of foamy espresso drinks crafted meticulously by the tall drink of water counterman; sugary treats, a lite-brite, a typewriter, and cds for sale. there is just the right amount of hot steam in the place so that the windows get a bit fogged up but not too much.

soon, there will also be booze and music and nighttime fun.

for now, they are waiting for you from:
8-5 on wednesdays and thursdays and
8-6 on friday, saturday and sunday.

if you're anywhere nearby anytime soon, you should really go.


just another sunday afternoon at the office

with my headphones on and the volume loud i hardly notice the commotion out on the street until it must have been in full tilt for some minutes, because the noise of the yelling and carrying on finally got so loud that i took out my earbuds and had a look out the open second floor window of my little office.

up the street about 50 feet on the other side of traffic from our house, a long, thin woman with scraggling fake long yellow-blonde hair was hunched over screaming herself hoarse against the pane of a basement window. i squinted to see past the sun and could make out just a fragment of a pale soft male inner forearm and heel of hand of the person the blonde beanpole was spitting venom at on the other side of the glass. he was gesturing. possibly lewdly.

what ever it was he gesticulated made the woman on the street catapult up and out in an all-out explosion of hair and hands on the ends of raving arms and legs akimbo and purse and bags flying out then in again. she leaned in real close to the window. the man inside must have moved back some because i could no longer see any hint of skin there through the reflection.

“No!” the woman screamed. “You don’t FUCK me, force me to SUCK your DICK, then toss me out like i’m your GODDAMNED FUCKING WHORE.”

She collected her things from the pavement and began to stalk off the side of the curb, still screaming as she crossed the street through heavy, fast moving traffic. She turned back with a final venomous burst to leave him, and the rest of us on the street, with these words hanging strange and ugly before us for the rest of the afternoon.

“YOU have FUCKED with the wrong fucking BITCH, my FRIEND.”


top less gay love tekno party

to give you an idea:

once i was in a park in strathcona (vancouver) with guitarist / vocalist / writer / dancer / all-round angelfromheaven and producer mikey shindler, his sister, and a dear scottish friend in town for a few weeks of goodtimes. it was nearing the end of summer but our tallcans and the smoking of things kept us warm and merry against the ever-creeping shadows of dusk.

mikey said something like: “i gotta make some changes, kids. things are gonna change around daddy’s house. it’s the revolution. you gotta get into it. i’m into it.”

and his sister asked: “what’s the revolution this time?”

“easy,” he told her. “whole new me. i’m a respectable, peaceloving citizen of the world. everynight’s gonna be the same routine: smoke a joint, watch the news at eleven, go to bed. wake up. repeat. that’s it.”

and to give you another idea:

that refrain: “smoke a joint. watch the news. go to bed. wake up, repeat, repeat” is now the featured chorus of one of their newer songs.

toplessgayloveteknoparty is all spandex-onesies and getupandgo, a delightfully orchestrated seeming-chaos of guitars, drums, keyboards, sweeping harmonies and rousing choruses, sexy basslines and songs so riprollicking with love happiness and joy that i dare you not to dance and pump your fist in the air when you listen to them.

liveshows are a feast for pretty much every sense.

give them a wee listen here:


and do me a favor: don’t let their name, or the fullbodyglittersuits, or the fact that soon everyone you know will be talking about them and singing their glorious praises lead you to believe that this band is just another over-hyped, immaterial, flashinthepan kind of situation.

the difference, friends, is that all the beautiful creatures (6-8, depending on the time and place) of tgltp are each exquisitely talented in what they do: individually they are all among those humans with a kind of preternatural genius; as a mass-ensemble, they are like an all-encompassing juggernaut of energy, dynamism and unfailingly a straight-up balls-out pique of all that talent crystallized in such a way that to experience them playing in a room is to be close to something special, something rare, something that will make you forget yourself and dance.

toplessgayloveteknoparty is:

Mike Shindler
Donne Torr
Benny Schutze
Sean Tyson
Dave Vertesi
Kevin Fairburn

Honorary Members:
Lucas Hamilton
Jon McMoran
Krisdy Shindler - Art Director
Alex Duncan - Performance Dance Director


of an evening in glasgow.

music / photography / editing: erinrae grayson


this song:

start a war
the national
©2007 beggars banquet records


When you don’t go to sleep, the coming of morning is really no big deal. there is no relief in the changing of the day, just a new lit-up weirdness to acclimatize to after what has usually, surely, been a whole long night of weirdnesses.

like last night for example when, after an ill-advised coffee drink at just shy of 8pm and a diet coke even later than that, i found myself wide a-fucking-wake the whole night through. at eleven or so we got into bed and soon after that she was asleep, despite the light from the little lamp on my side table by which i read; she was making those interminably wholesome sounds of soft, comfortable sleep. she gets up earlier than i do, so often i read after she has gone to sleep for a half an hour or so, or until my eyes get that weighted down feeling and suddenly the light is too bright and all i want is to burrow down and click off the lamp and close my eyes for sleep, huddling up to her sleeping back which emanates a reassuring, peaceful sort of heat under the blankets.

last night the eyes were still wide open and alert and i knew i had been reading longer than usual. i leaned over to look at the little clock on her side of the bed. 2am. but who cared, thought i, not like i had anything concrete to be alert for tomorrow, so i’d be a little tired on just five hours sleep. big whoop.

i turned the light off and shimmied down under the covers next to her and closed my eyes and really tried for as long as i could to convince my caffeinated brain and body that it was now nigh’-nigh’ sleepy times for suzie q (me). but it was not to be. my mind was loop-da-looping and my feet and legs had a real case of the jimmies. i was fidgety in my bones and in my skin; i was even mentally fidgety, and that isn't a good feeling at the best of times, let alone the lonely bleakness of an endless sleepless night.

i tried another of my proven fail-safes for finding sleep: plain old counting. starting at 1 and going up. i think the idea is to get myself into some sort of natural rhythm, so that i forget about the thoughts still rabble rousing around in the old noodle and just breathe, count, breathe, count. usually it really works.

i am no stranger to insomnia, historically. or perhaps more accurately, i am still and have always been a chronic stay-up-later. something about being awake deep into the night still thrills me the way it did when i was thirteen, staying up all night at a sleepover with ten other girls, chugging coca cola in the wee hours to prolong our awakeness, to forge on ‘till morning with the eating of millions of potato chips and watching of teen movies and schlocky horrors.

invariably at these parties i was always the last one to fall asleep, long after the 2nd movie stopped rolling through the vcr and the blue screen of the television was the only vivid light in the room and around me nine sleeping girls snorted, sniffed and murmured in their happy sleep.

anyway. so often, more recently, when i haven’t had a reason to get up before say 11am, i have reveled luxuriously in staying up until the last possible moment, well into the dark folds of the night. i try to succumb to sleep only at the point of total physical and mental collapse.

the problem with this predilection for nocturnality (and the masochism inherent in gleefully depriving oneself of sleep) is that it is easy to miss the pretty little window of exhaustion that a lot of people take for granted, pushing through it sometimes knowingly and sometimes absently, but nevertheless leaving it behind like a train through the mouth of a tunnel.

in school this manifested every time i had an assignment due the next day. in 5 years of post-secondary and graduate education i never missed one deadline for any assignment, which i take / took some sort of pride in, although it came at a cost. i never really panicked about a deadline that loomed 12 hours away because i knew those were all 12 usable hours. i could drink coffee or tea (sometimes whiskey or wine, although this is always a threat to the successful all-nighter), smoke cigarettes, and fend off sleep with all my maniacal might, howling away at the keyboard until the goddamned thing, whatever it was, was finished. truthfully, i sort of set myself up for insomnia in this way: forming some sort of essentialist entanglement with my ability to be wild and creative and the lateness of the hour; as in, the later the better for optimal everything.

my lucidity and ability to cohere thoughts and use language in a way that didn't come out as alien, mindless drunken jibberjabber in these all-night academic binges usually stopped around 6am, but no deadline was ever set for 6am. something might be due at 8:30 or 10, but never 6; so the inevitable question was always whether to drop into a dead sleep for an hour and a half or two, waking up with a head full of the hazy candlewax of interupted sleep and just enough time to get to school, or to press on to total sleeplessness: drink more coffee, eat some food, smoke a cigarette outside in the cold air, and just ride out the waves of weirdness caused by complete lack of sleep.

but rarely in the last few years have i actually suffered from non-willful insomnia, like the kind i had last night. the bastard kind that comes up on you when you don’t want it, aren’t inviting it, don’t know what to do with it. the kind that comes up on you every goddamned night, night after night after night, and no reprieve. the kind that makes you understand certain weirdnesses about humanity because you have lived and breathed those weirdnesses yourself in the smallest hours of morning. i have known this kind myself but, gratefully (and thanks in part to the wonders of pharmacology), i find sleep almost all nights these days.

i dated a woman briefly several years back who had that kind, the terrible kind. she had it from the time we first got together to the time we split—6 weeks later—that whole time and i don’t think she ever slept more than maybe an hour or two every night, often not even that much. i’d wake up at seven when her alarm went off faithfully every day. if she was still in bed, she would be wide a-fucking-wake already, and i’d know the instant i looked at her weary, furrow-browed expression that she had had yet another sleepless night. i felt guilty for having enjoyed such a thorough, deep, satisfying sleep while she lay in bed in the dark and stewed all night in her insomnia. if she wasn’t still in bed, which was most often the case, it was because she was running up a mountain or swimming a hundred lengths or biking to the edge of the ocean and back or going to the gym for an early morning roundrobin tournament of racquet ball. for someone who i happen to know for a fact was operating on an insanely low amount of sleep this woman had unfathomable energy. i got at least 6 or 7 hours every night and she made me feel like slow-motion footage of an injured, aging, wet snail, sort of slumping and oozing around from place to place, agonizingly slow compared to her ceaseless, almost mystical bounds of energy.

but i digress. last night i gave up counting as a tactic to invite sleep when i reached 300. at 300 it’s usually pretty goddamned clear that it ain’t happening that way tonight, bub. it was pretty obvious at 300 that sleep was going to play the illusive little minx and to wait for it to befall me now was to be played a fool. i sat up a little in bed and turned the light back on. 3:00am. oh man. i was really in it now.

i finished a david sedaris book and read the latest vice magazine.

3:30am. turned the light off and turned her computer on in order to dink around on the interweb. spent 45 minutes trawling aimlessly, directionless, ingesting massive amounts of mostly useless and repetitive crap, with the crazed white light of the screen shining up into my rods and cones, perhaps in an attempt to actually bore or blind myself to sleep.

at the end of that 45 mins my eyes still weren’t getting that weighted down feeling, although frazzled from the screen, and my spiritual insides felt the way i might feel if i ate an entire bag of salted potato chips of an evening or smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in one night or sat down and watched every episode of temptation island back to back. in all those cases, that’s a hell of a lot of crap to get down and the end result (in all those cases), is a sense of wastefulness, and the cold, hard feeling of being vaguely depressed by everything. i closed the computer and plunged the room back into near-blackness. some negligible light came in through the window, the diffused orange of the streetlamps through an ambling, light snowfall.

now past 4am, i was still as awake as if i’d injected my eyeballs with pure undiluted caffeine. and that cold hard feeling of being vaguely depressed is nobody’s sweetheart at 4am with eyeballs full of caffeine and a dark bedroom still two and a half hours from when her alarm would go off. i worried about whether i was fucking up her sleep and turned to look at her; she was sleeping just as sweet as a little lamb; no complaints from that side of the bed.

i wondered what time the buses started to run on ossington. i could check online but the thought of looking at a computer screen for one more second made my face wince in the dark and anyway i didn’t want to light up the room again. there is a 24 hour diner a few blocks away and i considered getting up to go for an enormous breakfast there. the last thing i’d put in my belly was that goddamned coffee and now it (my belly) was very unhappy with the state of affairs in there and churned and churned emptily, hungrily searching for some morsel to work over and finding none. and there i was lying in the pitch dark with my gut freaking out and my eyes like tea cups against the dark of 430am in the morning.

her room is invariably hot, dry and lacking any naturally occurring moisture levels; even with the window wide open to the winter air and the humidifier sending up regular bursts of steam, we both often wake up gasping for liquid, throat and eye sockets bone dry. this is what’s happening now, at 430am. i am too hot, and my throat is dry, my nasal passages are one hundred percent shut down for any functional use, and the blankets feel too heavy or too wrong across my frame, and now i am getting feisty with my physiology for keeping me awake on a night when i am in a room with someone i love and whom i do not want to disrupt and in a room which is too small for me to get out of bed and do anything unless i just got up and sat at her little desk which would be weird because i’d have to do it in the dark and then what? then i’d just be awake and sitting in a hard chair instead of a soft bed in the dark, and then things would really get weird. i could tell. i decided to stay put. but this decision makes me shuffle and writhe and sigh and thrash about in bed with unquellable awakeness, and then i worry about waking her up or disturbing her again, and then i think about getting up again. but where to go.

i think when you dupe yourself (or yourself dupes you) out of a night’s sleep, the mind compensates for the lack of scheduled shut-down-and-dream time by sort of sending up bubbles from your subconscious that you might not ordinarily conjure unless you were sleep-deprived and getting a bit weird.

oh, i thought about all kinds of things this long night.

i thought about how much i adore her.
i thought about not being able to sleep on christmas eve as a child and being worried that if i stayed up past midnight santa wouldn’t be able to come to our house. i thought about how i sort of believed in santa maybe even until i was nine or ten, because i once had a vivid dream that i spied his sleigh flying towards our country farmhouse, across the snowy, moonlit shorn cornfield, just as it would look if it were really happening. such that when i woke i felt that i had been touched by something truly otherworldly.

i thought about this old guy named slim who pushes his belongings in a shopping cart up and down st. clair. the first time he saw me he asked my name, my star sign, introduced himself and asked whether i would like to go and have a cup of tea and get to know each other. i obliged the first two and declined the tea. the next time i saw him he said ‘is this that redheaded pisces’ and i smiled and said ‘hi slim’.
this time he was straight to the quick with it and asked me again to go on a date with him to drink a hot beverage and get to know each other better. he was walking alongside me, his cart out in front. ‘i may not be no god’s gift to the females,’ he said seriously. ‘but just tell me truly, do i have a shot of gettin’ to be your man.’
i had to laugh. ‘afraid not,’ i said. ‘nope.’
‘ok,’ he said, considering this. ‘ok. can i ask why?’
when i told him the truth he said the same thing i have been told by probably at least 25 other heterosexual men on their learning that i am not interested in their (often lewd and just downright STUPID) advances for reasons of my preternatural attraction to (mostly) people other than heterosexual men.
i had been prepared to walk away from slim still basically liking him, leaving amiably and agreeably, and then he had to say the same fucking thing they always say, and instantly our whole togetherness was a little bit spoiled, mine and slim's. he said:

maybe you just haven’t met the right guy(FOOTNOTE 1) yet. sweetheart.

then i thought about my dead father and how he taught my brother and i to catch freshwater fish in the lakes and streams of ontario growing up. i thought about the time that i asked my brother to detach for me a finicky hook from the maw of some bass or pickerel, and how it was clear to him as soon as i handed the floopsy-flopsy fishy over that the poor bastard had swallowed the hook down clear and good down into his gullet. i remember my brother looked at me and i could tell by the look on his face it wasn't good.

he wrenched the hook and line from the fish's depths, and with it came up a fast blur of red and pink and white--the innards of the fish, complete in a horrible still beating, still breathing mass. and not as disturbing, possibly, as the sight of the fish turned inside out before my eyes, was the sound that loosed from its lips (?) at the point of excision... a horrible, wheezing, almost humanely recognizable sound of pain, of painful air being let out of a painful balloon, and it seemed to me the fish was screaming out in pain, and i sat down lightheaded in the bottom of the boat and didn't touch another rod. and haven't still, although i've since gone back to eating fish.

i sat up in bed and squinted over at the little clock on the bedside table. it was five o-fucking-clock. she murmured a bit at my movement on the bed and i slid down to stroke her face with my open palm, smooth a rogue lock of hair from her warm brow, to kiss her lightly on the jawline, on the neck, on the side of the head. she woke up slightly, and as though instinctively feeling my mania out there in the darkness said softly, ‘are you ok?’
‘yes,’ i said, staring up at the ceiling as she curled into me. ‘but i haven’t been to sleep yet.’
‘oh god,’ she said. ‘what! why not? what are you thinking about? was something keeping you up?’
‘no no,’ i tell her. ‘nothing like that. i suspect it was the coffee at just shy of 8pm last night.’
‘oh god, baby,’ she says. ‘that would do it.’ she murmured something incomprehensible and possibly leftover from the last dream she dreamt. her eyes were still closed in the hazy pre-dawn room. she fell back asleep and i continued to stare at the ceiling.

another hour passed and finally the gnawing in my belly was too overpowering to ignore and i feared that if i didn’t leave the room in the next ten minutes i would actually go right off the deep end. as usual, there came a point in the insomnia of manic urgency—i had to end the night; stop playing the charade that sleep might come after all; just get up and suck it up and take the bus ride home. so to speak.

and so that’s what i did.

i stumbled from her front stoop, bleary-faced and already freezing in my too-light jacket. the previous night’s temperate mildness had been replaced by a new dusting of snow and a morning wind that whipped and howled up ossington as i trudged towards the bus stop. it was too early to smoke but i wanted one anyway. i always used to smoke on handing in one of those due-in-the-morning assignments, even though it was ordinarily too early in the day for me to actually enjoy it and not just feel sick. while i waited for the blue lights of an approaching northbound bus, i cowered in the glass cubicle on the sidewalk and rolled up a cigarette out of the wind. it seemed an angry kind of cold, out there alone on the street at 630am. the sun was nowhere near risen and the sky was still the charcoal purple/grey and hazy orange of nighttime in the city.

when the bus approached i spat down the cigarette to the gutter without removing my hands from where they were all pins and needles from the cold deep inside my trench coat’s pockets. i flashed my pass and took a seat and stared at the other passengers. my mind was not by any means operating at full capacity. i could feel the candle wax in my mind, rattling around from lack of sleep. who were these people on the bus with me this early? how many hours of sleep had they each had? where were they going? where were they coming from? where did they work? what were they listening to in those little headphones? were they good people? kind people? did they have pets these people? my mind raced as the bus ambled on.

i stared out the steamy window at the frosted roads and cars upon them, my eyes unfocused and unfixed, just listless there, googly-eyed in the coming morning.

1. the noted noun in this sentence (GUY) is sometimes replaced (by the lewder and stupider of these specimens) with any of your various school-yard, prison-yard, lumber-yard terminologies for the heterosexual male phallus.
2. the titular 'howling fantods' of this piece is ripped directly from david foster wallace's infinite jest.
3. 'fantod': a state of worry or nervous anxiety.